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Meet the Inaugural 2024-25 Cohort!
2025 BCPH Thought Leadership Fellowship Applications Now Open
Due February 15, 2025
Elevate Your Public Health Research and Practice with
BCPH’s New Programs & Services!
New awards honoring:
New grants supporting:
Recruit individuals from diverse backgrounds for research surveys and studies.
Be profiled in our forthcoming monthly showcase e-newsletter and social media.
Access special have access to exclusive training content on BCPH Academy.
Members can join the Speakers Bureau Directory, which provides access to speaking opportunities.
Elite Members receive “first dibs” to be faculty, webinar guests, and more!
Members may receive discounted/free access to events and non-expedite BCPHR submissions.
BCPH Announces the
Health Innovator Award Recipients
BCPH Announces the
40 Under 40 Public Health Catalyst Award Recipients
HPHR/BCPHR Releases Inaugural Supplement about Community-Centered Approaches to Eliminating HIV, PrEP/PEP, and COVID-19 Vaccine Stigma and Discrimination.
Watch the Supplement Launch Webinar, held August 8, 2024!
On August 8, 2024, HPHR/BCPHR released its inaugural supplement, Community-Centered Approaches to Eliminating HIV, PrEP/PEP, and COVID-19 Vaccine Stigma and Discrimination, produced by George Washington University with support from Gilead Sciences. The supplement and all associated articles are available Open-Access on You can watch the webinar by clicking the image above or the button below.
About the Supplement and Webinar
The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare what structural racism looks like in healthcare settings, workplace practices, and living conditions that disproportionately expose Black and brown communities to unfair health outcomes. Racial scholars have urged policymakers to rightfully shift their units of analysis from personal decision-making to the structural inequities that racially and ethnically minoritized communities face. The syndemic interaction between the COVID pandemic with the ongoing HIV pandemic makes visible the role that disparate access to healthcare and the other social determinants of health has on one’s exposure. As such, Gilead Sciences Incorporated funded a national training effort called “Two in One” to equally promote HIV/PrEP screening alongside COVID-19 vaccine screenings in the same primary care setting. The Two in One Model includes primary research, evidence-informed PCP training, and policy recommendations on the screening guidelines.
Our goal for publishing with HPHR Journal is to share a collection of scholarly papers that debunk theories that maintain people as problems as opposed to the conditions they live in as this aligns with the journal’s mission to investigate biological, psychosocial, and environmental determinants of health. While this supplement focuses specifically on HIV and COVID-19 prevention, its theoretical frameworks, methods, research, and policy implications have transferability to a range of other disparate patient outcomes. These papers illustrate how prioritizing the values and realities of the most marginalized groups is a community-centered approach useful for eliminating discrimination and stigma. Read the supplement here.
Have you seen the Boston Congress of Public Health (’s new line of t-shirts, stickers, hats, and other gear on TeePublic? Our affordable designs honoring health, human rights, and pride let you wear your heart on your sleeve. Take advantage of our store’s site-wide sale going on now!
Proceeds support BCPH programs for new and emerging health leaders, which include webinars, a training academy, and Thought Fellowship.
Welcome to the 2024 Cohort of the BCPH Fellowship!
Congratulations to the 2024 Cohort of the Thought Leadership for Public Health Fellowship:
- Buffy Jamison, MA (Fae/Fem/Faers)
Educator, Trainer, Consultant - Syed Saad Ahmed, MA (He/Him/His)
Development Communications Professional - Joy Belle Imagie-Douglas (She/Her/Hers)
Graduate Research Assistant
They will be participating in a series of trainings in anticipation of building a communications platform addressing public health through the lens of equity and justice. Learn more about them here.

BCPH Studio
Translates public health information for diverse audiences through the production and publication of blogs, vlogs, podcasts, TV series, and academic
including HPHR Journal.

BCPH Academy
Developing intersectional social justice technical assistance and trainings, such as webinars, certificate programs, and Fellowships, to support underrepresented voices and populations in public health.