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Ella Egwuonwu
Communications Intern, Communications Division

Emmanuella Chiamaka Egwuonwu is a third-year first-class pharmacy student (Pharm D. in view) at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN).

She is a goal-oriented and inclusive leader who is passionate about health equity, youth leadership and sustainable health communications. She is currently a student volunteer at the Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR-HEOR), the Pharmaceuticals Association of Nigerian Students; Public Health Team and the Asthma Awareness and Care Group (AACG), where she actively participate in content creation, social media management, health outreach and awareness campaigns.

Emmanuella is a member of the media and publicity subcommittee at the International Pharmaceutical Students; Federation, African Region (IPSF-AfRO), and the assistant editor-in-chief of the IPSF-AfRO 2022 December magazine. As a way of giving back to society, improving public health and promoting health equity, Emmanuella volunteered as a 2022 United Nations Millennium Fellow and the campus director for the 2022 UNN Millennium Fellowship Cohort. Emmanuella is a Hub-certified Content writer who uses her wealth of health knowledge in writing health articles and blog posts.

To develop her skills to align with her career interest, she has taken online health courses and is also
certified by World Health Organisation in different health subjects.