Dr. Cullen Truett
Dr. Cullen Truett is a board certified psychiatrist and board eligible Consultation Liaison Psychiatrist practicing with CityBlock Health in Washington, DC. Prior to working with a digital health start-up serving SMI/SUD at risk patients in the DC community, Dr. Truett has worked in the collaborative care space to improve access to mental health care in the primary care setting. As a Global Health Leadership Track resident, Dr. Truett engaged in providing didactics abroad, increasing access to care in rural communities in Virginia, and working with the International Family Medicine Clinic at UVA. He is a graduate of the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Truett is passionate about the intersectionality of global health, social justice, and the role of technology in public health.
Welcome to the Jungle: Read the blogs
Cullen Truett -The Jungle 2.0: The Beginner’s Guide to the Relationship Between Health Tech and Public Health
Stay in Touch with Dr. Cullen Truett
The mission of the Boston Congress of Public Health Thought Leadership for Public Health Fellowship (BCPH Fellowship) seeks to:
- Incubate the next generation of thought leaders in public health;
- Advance collective impact for health equity through public health advocacy; and
- Diversify, democratize, and broaden evidence-based public health dialogue and expression.
It is guided by an overall vision to provide a platform, training, and support network for the next generation of public health thought leaders and public scholars to explore and grow their voice.