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Job Description: HPHR Editorial Board

Want to ramp up your academic publishing career? Consider joining the editorial team of the HPHR Journal (formerly Harvard Public Health Reviewweekly newsletter!

There are several editorial opportunities:   

  • ASSOCIATE EDITORS edit 4 manuscripts and review 4 manuscripts each semester (September-December; January-May; June-August). There are no set number of hours expected each week or month.

    Editing actually consists of reading a manuscript, determining if it is appropriate for our journal, and then sending it to (at least) 2 reviewers for a deeper evaluation of its language, content, and scholarly contribution. Once reviews are back, associate editor determines if the article should be ACCEPTED, REJECTED, or REVISED. Associate editors then update the dashboard and place manuscript in the queue for the publication team.

  • MANAGING EDITORS give at least 1-5 hours per week, depending on the amount of manuscripts that need the following: (a) checked for journal guideline compliance, (b) maintenance of the peer review process within our publishing platform, and (c) copy-editing of accepted manuscripts.

  • DEPUTY EDITORS shepherd an entire special edition – from designing the concept to writing the preface/introduction for the edition