Poster Session

The Boston Congress of Public Health held its Inaugural Research Poster Session, held virtually this past May 7, 2022. Researchers, clinicians, academic professionals, medical students, public health advocates and others from around the world findings from their cutting-edge health research. All of the presentations will be published this June on

In addition, the following presentations received additional commendation as Best Overall based on their poster’s appearance, style of presentation, explicit discussion of health equity and social justice implications for public health:

  • Promoting Public Health Initiatives through Partnerships with Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), by Rayna Haque; Marzia Maliha; Kaneza Kadambaya, MPH; Maha Sheikh; and Senila Yasmin, MPH

  • Diagnostic Imaging and Treatment for Sclerosing Cholangitis in Critically ill Post-COVID-19 Patients: A Literature Review, by Helen Huang and Zaid Al-Ghazawi

  • The Association Between Antihypertensive Medications and Suicidality in the UK Biobank Sample, by Clement Zai

  • Coverage of Optional Vaccines in 3-6 year Olds in an Urban Setting, in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, by Sneha Kurian

  • Investigating Mental Health of Intracontinental Asian Migrant Communities through a Case Study of ASSIST, by Naryeong Kim, BS & BA Candidate; Isha Shah, BS Candidate; Deney Li, BS Candidate; Philip Ding, BS Candidate; and Megan Rabe, BS Candidate

  • Timeline in Pictures of Oral Aphthae as a Presenting Symptom for Behcet’s Disease, by Dr. Adam Ramsey 

We will hold additional Virtual Poster Presentations, starting in Fall 2022. Learn more at

About the Spring 2022 BCPH Virtual Poster Session

Join the BCPH Virtual Poster Session to share your posters in clinical and public health research. All topics welcome.
The Boston Congress of Public Health is committed to democratizing public health and ensuring that we disseminate the latest, cutting-edge health research. As a result, we will be offering multiple opportunities for researchers, clinicians, academic professionals, medical students, public health students, medical and surgical residents to present their research through our Virtual Research Poster Presentation sessions. All submissions must include an explicit comment discussing health equity and social justice implications of the research.

Poster sessions will be held every other month starting in May 2022. Accepted posters will be published on and granted a DOI. First two sessions will be held:

  • May 7, 2022, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST

Registration Fees

  • BCPH Members – Presenter and Attendees: Free

  • Non-BCPH Members – Presenters: $25.00

  • Non-BCPH Members – Attendees (Not Presenting): $10.00


  • Each participant is able to submit an UNLIMITED number of posters for research that has been conducted within the past 5 years. Each additional poster will cost $1.00.
  • Each poster cannot have more than 12 authors
  • Different posters from the same research team or group can be entered as long as the posters are substantially different from one another.
  • Posters must meet the content guidelines BEFORE they are ACCEPTED to the poster session.


Sign up to be a poster presenter or attendee below: 

If selected, you will receive an email with detailed information on your next steps. Registrants will be sent a payment link. 



We strongly encourage poster presenters to use a template rather than submit anything “freestyle.” Below are links to traditional and “new style” scientific poster templates: 


As indicated in the poster templates, the general poster format is comprised of the following sections:

  • Title must convey the research presented, and be limited to one to two lines of text.
  • Authors: List authors’ first and last names, with author affiliations listed underneath. Examples
    • Jane Doe1, John Smith2, Jill Johnson1
    • 1 Department of Health Behavior, 2 Department of Biostatistics, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Introduction or Background should provide context, impetus, and definition-of-terms for the study (approx. 125 words):
    • situate research issue in the context of published primary literature,
    • provide a justification of the research, and
    • provide a clear statement of the hypothesis or hypotheses and/or the goal of the research.
  • Methods: The methods section should provide information on the study design, population included in the research, and a description of how the data were collected and analyzed. A sub-section of the methods should provide a high-level description of the approach for conducting the statistical analyses.
  • Results: This section should comprise the bulk (e.g., two-thirds) of your poster and should be comprised of tables and figures. The first objective is to summarize the primary outcome of the research by providing a brief description of the results. This general statement should be followed by a presentation of data (charts, images, or tables) that specifically addresses the hypothesis. The results section is typically the largest section of the poster.
  • Discussion: The discussion (approximately 200 words) summarizes the research results and puts them in the context of the related literature.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion provides a concluding statement and mentions areas where further research is needed (i.e., next steps).
  • Acknowledgments: This section may not be applicable to all posters. Use this section to thank individuals for their contribution to project if they are not authors. You may also use this section to acknowledge financial and other relevant support for the project.
  • References: Literature cited should be listed in a consistent AMA bibliographic format used in your area of research. Journal articles are considered to be primary references and are a preferred source for information. Some posters do not have references; those that do limit references to 10 citations maximum.



  • Health Equity and/or Social Justice: Does the poster address the implications for health equity and social justice in the research?
  • Communication and Presentation: How well does the presenter convey the information presented on the poster within the five minute time limit?
  • Balance and Conciseness: Is proper emphasis and coverage given to pertinent issues?
  • Validity: Is the poster and presentation sufficiently supported by data or facts?
  • Impact and Innovation: Will the research move the field forward? Is the research innovative?
  • Organization: Is the poster easy to follow in terms of information flow and layout?
  • Timing: The poster is presented within a 7 minute timeframe.


Coming soon


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