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Mercedes Harris, PharmD, MPH

Mercedes Harris, PharmD, MPH is a public health pharmacist consultant with over two decades of service within community pharmacy and public health. Dr. Harris a native New Yorker (Queens), is dedicated to creating culturally sensitive programs to her ancestral ties within the Caribbean and internationally. Dr. Harris spearheaded a teaching kitchen organization with a focus on community health promotion, monitoring and literacy strategies to youth and adult populations. Dr. Harris has authored several publications highlighting approaches to improve the health of minority, underserved populations with a particular focal point on lifestyle related/non-communicable diseases. Dr. Harris received her doctoral and public health degrees from St. John’s University and The University of West Florida, respectively. Among other accomplishments, in 2022, Dr. Harris was awarded The Next Generation Pharmacist award that salutes pharmacy professionals who are defining the future of pharmacy. By pharmacy industry leading companies Parata Systems and Pharmacy Times; under the category- Patient Care Provider of the Year.

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Honorees selected for the Health Innovators to Watch Awards come from across the globe, representing health and healthcare innovation in traditional public health fields, research, academia, architecture, and more. In addition, innovators are intentionally diverse in backgrounds, from public health founders and co-founders, inventors, national and international leaders, directors, researchers, academicians, and curriculum developers