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How to Start and Run Your Own Academic Journal

How to Start and Run Your Own Academic Journal
August 27th, 2022
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PST

Ever wanted to establish an journal addressing the needs of your research focus area? This session teaches you how to do just that! 


Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to: 

  1. Describe the basic components of establishing an academic journal, including:
    • Selecting a journal name;
    • Recruiting/managing an editorial board and reviewer pool; and
    • Setting up a manuscript submissions process.

  2. Discuss options on establishing an electronic and/or printed publishing platform; and

  3. Detail how to conduct marketing/promotion and outline how to establish DOIs and indexing. 

Participants will be invited to sign up for a free, personalized 30-minute post-training consultation.