Antonio Twane Williams
Antonio Twane Williams Antonio Twane Williams Antonio Twane Williams Positive Impact Health Centers Antonio Twane Williams is an accomplished public health professional who specializes in LGBTQ health disparities, specifically HIV/AIDS […]
Ankita Patil
Ankita Patil Researcher, Brigham & Women’s Hospital Ankita Patil is a public health researcher who passionately addresses health disparities through a social justice framework. With a BA in Social Psychology […]
Adam Haber
Adam Haber Assistant Professor, Computational Biology and Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Asthma is the most common illness of childhood and a leading cause of childhood […]
Alison Morales Kerr
Alison Morales Kerr Director of Community Health at the Florida Department of Health Alison Morales Kerr, Director of Community Health at the Florida Department of Health, dedicates her career to […]
Stacey Griner
Stacey Griner Public Health Researcher and Assistant Professor, School of Public Health at The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Dr. Stacey Griner, PhD, MPH, RDH […]
BCPH Team, Chief of Staff, Stephen Abuakwah
BCPH Team, Chief of Staff, Stephen Abuakwah
Dr. Jessica (Jex) Huang
Dr. Jessica (Jex) Huang served on the founding Board of BCPH, and works with us as a member of our Public Health Institute faculty.
HPHR Journal, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Catherine Tsasis
HPHR Journal, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Catherine Tsasis
Dr. Ukamaka Gladys Okafor
Dr. Ukamaka Gladys Okafor serves as faculty for multiple BCPH programs, including the Public Health Institute.
Edima Ottoho
Edima Ottoho serves as faculty for multiple BCPH programs, including the Public Health Institute.