Health Communication: 4 Useful Things Rebecca Black’s Story Can Teach Us About Social Media
Health Communication comes with risks of online harassment. Learn how you can manage them with help from Rebecca Black’s story.
Logistics & Activities
BCPH features a growing catalog of online training courses.
BCPH features a growing catalog of online training courses.
Summer Institute & Medical Academy Session Programs
BCPH features a growing catalog of online training courses.
BCPH features a growing catalog of online training courses.
Download Library
BCPH features a growing catalog of online training courses.
Yvette Efevbera – Unlocking Progress in Health: Why Focusing on Gender and Young People Matter
Dr. Yvette Efevbera Unlocking Progress in Health: Why Focusing on Gender and Young People Matter Introduction Health is defined by the World Health Organization as the “state of complete physical, […]
Victor Ekuta – Understanding and Disrupting Bias in Neurology and Mental Health: Unraveling the Roots of Inequality
Victor Ekuta Understanding and Disrupting Bias in Neurology and Mental Health: Unraveling the Roots of Inequality “In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be […]
Devin Hursey – Building Trust: Community and Public Health
I’m creating a series exploring the relationship between community and public health institutions, with a particular focus on trust. We depend on public health institutions and decision-makers to create and maintain systems that protect and improve the health of the population. Without these institutions, it would be impossible to predict, prevent, or respond to illnesses impacting populations. However, not all people benefit from public health equally.
Cullen Truett -The Jungle 2.0: The Beginner’s Guide to the Relationship Between Health Tech and Public Health
Quick little snippet describing the blog for readers. That way they will know what they’re getting into.