Cullen Truett – 4 Ways Physicians Can Advocate for Responsible Use of Machine Learning
In the following, I offer four ways in which physicians should address the rise of A.I. and ensure its appropriate and just application for patients.
Cullen Truett – Heal Thyself: Is A.I. Driven Psychotherapy Safe?
With geographic and training bottlenecks in the supply of adequately licensed therapists, numerous healthcare tech startups are exploring the role that A.I. may play in therapy delivery.
Victor Ekuta – Race Against the Machine: Leveraging Inclusive Technology as an Antiracist Tool for Brain Health
Victor Ekuta Race Against the Machine: Leveraging Inclusive Technology as an Antiracist Tool for Brain Health “Zeros and ones, if we are not careful, could deepen the divides between haves […]
Victor Ekuta – Harnessing Cultural Competency in Schizophrenia to Address Anti-Black Racism in Mental Health
Victor Ekuta Harnessing Cultural Competency in Schizophrenia to Address Anti-Black Racism in Mental Health “The function, the very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your […]
Victor Ekuta – Tackling Racism in Alzheimer’s Disease Research: A Model for Advancing Equity in Neurology Part II
Victor Ekuta Tackling Racism in Alzheimer’s Disease Research: A Model for Advancing Equity in Neurology Part II “For the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow […]
Victor Ekuta – Tackling Racism in Alzheimer’s Disease Research: A Model for Advancing Equity in Neurology
Victor Ekuta Tackling Racism in Alzheimer’s Disease Research: A Model for Advancing Equity in Neurology “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it […]
Victor Ekuta – Understanding and Disrupting Bias in Neurology and Mental Health: Unraveling the Roots of Inequality
Victor Ekuta Understanding and Disrupting Bias in Neurology and Mental Health: Unraveling the Roots of Inequality “In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be […]