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40 Under 40 Public Health Catalyst Awards: Alden Lai

Alden Lai

Alden Lai, PhD, MPH, is Assistant Professor of Public Health Policy and Management at the NYU School of Global Public Health. He is an award-winning researcher who studies (1) health workforce wellbeing and (2) population wellbeing at the global level. His research has shown what organizations and managers can do to improve health care workers’ job quality and work environments, especially historically underserved “low-wage workers” who are playing crucial roles in the delivery of primary care.

Devin Hursey – A Chat with Marcella: What She Taught Me About Foster Care

A Chat with Marcella: What She Taught Me About Foster Care

As a community organizer, I have the opportunity to work alongside many interesting people from all over the country, but a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting Marcella Zimmerman, a young advocate for social justice and the health and human right living in my hometown of Kansas City. Marcella has a special concern for young people and works at the intersection of youth and HIV.

Kate Okorie – An Opportunity to Build Healthy Cities

An Opportunity to Build Healthy Cities

The detrimental impact of air pollution is already evident, so it is no longer an option for cities to stick with unhealthy practices. Embracing the shift towards clean air is not only beneficial for health but also for the economy.

40 Under 40 Public Health Catalyst Awards: Hana Ruran

Hana Ruran

Anya Chinnaiyan is a current undergraduate student dedicated to women’s public health and equity; she will graduate with an Honors Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and Spanish from the University of Michigan in 2024. For many years, she has demonstrated a passion for equitable practice for individuals with less privileged backgroHana Ruran is the Social Media to Improve Retina Care (SMIRC, Inc.) (President/founder of 501(c)(3), a non-profit organization aimed to facilitate access to medical care in underserved areas https://smircinc.org. This project was presented at the 2022 Boston Congress of Public Health, Boston MA and it will be published in HPHR Journal. The full manuscript was accepted for publication in Seminars in Ophthalmology. In addition, Hana Ruran’s research includes identifying innovative compounds to reduce toxins newly discovered on smartphones that was published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and presented at the 2022 American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, Louisville, Kentucky with extensive national media coverage. It was among 8 projects and 1 of 5 picked up by HealthDay Media from including U.S News and Healthline from > 400 abstracts. unds, those with different abilities, and those affected by illness.